Experiential learning opportunities

The Institute for Earth and Space Exploration is pleased to offer research focused financial support for graduate students. We offer targeted funding to access experience enhancing opportunities otherwise out of reach for early career researchers. The goal of this program is to support students by enabling them to participate in enriching activities such as workshops, field schools, collaborations, observing trips, and other activities. These are activities that are not considered required courses in their program but deepen the understanding of their research field and offer unique interactions leading to more dynamic future research. Note: Conference travel is not eligible for this funding opportunity.

There are two deadlines for this program per year: January 15 and July 15. The learning opportunity should take place after the application deadline, but prior to the next application deadline.


Students must be enrolled in full-time graduate studies at Western and be members of the Institute for Earth and Space Exploration (including affiliate members).

Students that are enrolled and in good standing in the Collaborative Specialization in Planetary Science and Exploration will be prioritized.

Students may not receive support in consecutive funding opportunities (e.g., January and July of the same year).


To apply for the program, please fill out the form. The application will require the upload of a short (less than one page, pdf format) proposal.

The proposal should describe

  • (1) the activity to be undertaken with the funds,
  • (2) the importance of the activity for the student’s research and learning, and
  • (3) a short budget describing how the funds will be used. Note that individual grants typically range from $500 to $1000.