Faculty awards and recognition

Western Space members make outstanding contributions to Earth and space exploration through innovative, interdisciplinary research, community outreach and knowledge translation.

Our members have been acknowledged for their impactful work, and we are proud of having a large number of award holders among the Western Space community, including Canada Research Chairs, Royal Society of Canada, Distinguished Professors and members of the Order of Canada. 

Peter Brown

Peter Brown

Canada Research Chair in Planetary Small Bodies, Tier 1letal Exercise Mobility and Health, Tier 1

Fred Longstaffe

Fred Longstaffe

Canada Research Chair in Stable Isotope Science, Tier 1; Royal Society of Canada Fellow; Distinguished Professor; Order of Canada

Stanimir Metchev

Stanimir Metchev

Canada Research Chair in Extrasolar Planets, Tier 2

Ana Luisa Trejos

Ana Luisa Trejos

Canada Research Chair in Wearable Mechatronics, Tier 2

Max Smith

Max Smith

Western Research Chair in Public Health Ethics; CIHR Applied Public Health Chair in Ethics & Health Emergencies

Valerie Oosterveld

Valerie Oosterveld

Western Research Chair in International Criminal Justice; Royal Society of Canada Fellow

Sarah Gallagher

Sarah Gallagher

Western Research Chair, Leadership Chair; Faculty Scholars Award

Catherine Neish

Catherine Neish

RSC College for New Scholars, Artists & Scientists

Jan Cami

Jan Cami

Faculty Scholars Award

Martin  Houde

Martin Houde

Faculty Scholars Award

Neil Banerjee

Neil Banerjee

Industrial Research Chair in Advanced Mineral Exploration

Lorie Donelle

Lorie Donelle

Emily Myrtle Smith Endowed Professor of Nursing

Wayne Hocking

Wayne Hocking

Royal Society of Canada Fellows

Pauline Barmby

Pauline Barmby

Distinguished Professor; Chair, Department of Physics and Astronomy

James Voogt

James Voogt

Chair, Department of Geography