Canmoon - Home
The 2019 CanMoon Mission is a Canadian lunar sample return analogue joint mission between Western University (PI: Dr. Gordon Osinski), the University of Winnipeg (PI: Dr. Ed Cloutis), and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) aimed to position Canada for potential future contributions to lunar rover missions by training highly qualified personnel. CanMoon is a scientific mission based out of mission control at the Centre for Planetary Science and Exploration (CPSX) at Western University. Faculty, researchers, and post-doctoral fellows, and graduate students will be commanding a simulated rover in realtime to investigate a lunar-like analogue terrain of Lanzarote, Spain. We invite you to explore and follow the mission as it unfolds from August 5th to August 16th, 2019.
The mission will be divided into three teams: Science Team, Planning Team, and Field Team. The Science Team will be based in mission control at Western University and will be responsible for deciding the scientific measurements they want the rover to take, analyzing the data it returns, and deciding what rocks they want to sample. The Planning Team will also be located at Western University, but their role will be directly commanding the rover by taking the directions provided by the Science Team and inputting the rover. Finally, the Field Team will be the acting rover in Lanzarote, Spain. They will be taking the measurements, photographs, and relaying back to Mission Control in real-time.